
本使用者條款(以下稱「本條款」)適用於所有位於及連結於 https://monkeyfistdoor.com.tw 網域之網站(以下稱「我們」「我們的」「本網站」)。 本網站為玉山國際有限公司之財產(以下稱「玉山」)。 同意條款 不論個別的使用者其物理位置於何處,本條款適用於所有連結至本網站之會員或訪客(以下合稱「使用者」、「您」),透過持續使用我們提供之服務,即表示您已知悉且同意本條款,若您不同意本條款之部分或全部內容,您應立即停止使用本網站服務。若您有任何疑問,歡迎隨時直接聯繫我們的客服專線。 使用者未滿12歲以上,不得於本網站 「建立帳號」,須由其法定代理人建立帳號。 使用者已滿12歲未滿法定成年年齡,則其申請註冊成為會員前,需得其法定代理人同意,始得註冊及使用本網站所提供的會員服務。若已註冊成會員,則表示其法定代理人已經閱讀且知悉並同意本條款。 本條款更新 本網站在法律准許的範圍內,有權隨時修改、調整本條款中的任何條款內容。一旦對本條款內容進行修改或調整,我們將會以公告形式發佈通知。任何修改或調整將於公布之時起生效。如果使用者在修改公布後,繼續使用本網站所提供的服務,則表示同意遵守本條款之更動。因此,請使用者務必定期查閱本條款,以確保了解本條款的所有更動。如果使用者不同意我們對本條款之更動,請離開網站並立即停止使用服務,同時,會員應刪除個人檔案並註銷會員資格。本網站亦有權於下列違規情事發生時,刪除會員個人檔案並註銷會員資格。 會員帳號及密碼安全 使用者不應使用任何與其個人真實資料無關之資訊建立其帳號名稱,包括但不限於使用模仿他人姓名或使用攻擊性的字眼、任何種族歧視的文字及任何會傷害、侵害他人權利之文字作為帳號名稱,如發生前開事項,我們有權終止該帳號的服務。在僅建立帳號但尚未購買課程前,應注意如下事項:會員應妥善保管其帳號及密碼,不應將其帳號及密碼轉讓或出借給他人使用。 課程僅供「單一購買會員使用觀看」,不得與他人進行共享帳號,課程影片分享,或是公開放映之動作。為了保障老師與學生的權利,若會員違反上述規定,或「同時超過兩個以上的裝置」同時登入並播放影片,並經勸說無效後,違規者將遭帳號停權處理,並可針對其行為所造成之損害與侵權,提出法律訴訟並要求賠償,及追究相關民、刑事責任,以維護老師及其他會員之權益。 如會員發現其帳號遭他人非法使用,應立即通知我們。因駭客行為或會員的保管疏忽導致帳號、密碼遭他人非法使用,我們不負擔任何責任。 您有義務妥善保管帳戶、密碼及其他相關身分驗證資訊,並為此帳號登入系統後所進行之一切活動、行為負責,包括但不限於衍生之相關費用。 您同意在使用本網站時遵循所有適用法律,且僅可基於合法目的使用本服務。以非經我們同意或指示之方式使用本服務或接觸系統,均應被嚴格禁止,我們有權停止提供該使用者之服務。 隱私權政策 使用者提供的個人資料及本網站保存與使用者相關之若干其它資料將受到台灣中華民國法律之規範。 使用規定和條約 使用者均不得下載、重製、公開傳輸、轉售、公開播放、分享或使用本網站上之課程。使用者違反前述規定,將負擔所有因此侵權行為而生之法律責任。 發票開立 我們將於學生購買課程後,開立並寄送發票予學生。惟學生若於台灣以外地區購買課程,台灣中華民國稅法得免開發票。 智慧財產權 我們擁有本網站發表之所有內容(網站內容)之所有權利,所有權及一切因此所生之利益,包括所有著作權、專利、商業秘密,商標和其他智慧財產權。所有未被明確授權之權利將僅能由玉山行使。 本網案的設計或排版受著作權,外觀設計,商標,公平法和其他法律的保護,不得進行部分或全部之重製或模仿。未經我們明確授權,不得重製或轉發商標,設計、聲音或圖像。 終止服務 使用者同意我們有權可基於其判斷或任何原因,隨時以各樣理由終止或暫停會員使用本網站提供之服務,包括但不限於該會員顯少使用服務、違反本條款等。 我們於終止服務後,不論是否已通知,均得刪除該會員之帳號及內容,並可避免該使用者於未來連結至或使用本網站服務。 賠償 使用者擔保如玉山及其管理階層、董事、員工、代理人及承包商因 a) 該使用者所發布或遞交之內容 b) 使用本網站 c) 該使用者違反本條款及 d) 使用者侵犯第三人之任何權利,而產生之各樣主張、要求,從而受有損失、須負擔責任、損害賠償或支出(包括但不限於合理的律師費用),使用者同意賠償。 禁止商業行為 使用者同意於使用本網站時將不會: a) 修改、重製、對於任何功能、程式進行還原工程 (reverse engineering)、反向組譯(disassemble)或任何企圖取得原始碼或內容之行為; b) 於上架之課程內容,包含任何商業或置入性行銷之內容,我們有權自行認定並將違反規定之內容無條件下架或移除。 擔保與保證 我們不保證以下事項: a) 本服務將符合使用者的特定要求; b) 於本網站購買或取得之任何產品、服務、資訊或其它課程將符合使用者的期望。 一般性條款 本條款及使用者與本網站之關係,均以中華民國法律為準據法。使用者與本網站就本服務、本條款或其它有關事項發生的爭議,應以台灣高等法院高雄分院為第一審管轄法院。倘本條款之部分規定因與台灣中華民國法律抵觸而無效者,本條款其它規定仍應具有完整的效力及效果。本條款之標題僅供方便而設,不具任何法律或契約效果。 檢舉 倘發現任何違反本條款之情事,請以E-mail: MFD@monkeyfistdoor.com.tw 寄至通知我們。 聯絡我們 如果對本服務條款或我們的信息處理方法有任何疑問,請通過電子郵件的方式聯繫 E-mail: MFD@monkeyfistdoor.com.tw 課程購買、購課後服務、期限等 本服務條款公告日期為西元 2023 年 3 月 1 日,生效日期為 2022 年 3 月 15 日 為保障學生與老師雙方利益,我們制定並執行相關課程退費、期限等政策。若有退費需求者,請詳讀以下資訊,確實依規定完成退費程序, 客服團隊將儘速於工作日30天內完成退費事宜。 「預購課程」 「線上課程」.「一對一線上課程」.「研習會課程」購買課程者: 購買「預購課程」.「研習會課程」者7日內申請退款者.須扣18%事務處理費,其餘82%課程費用將會退回.。超過7日恕不退費。 購買線上課程者將該課程開啟視同已觀看 不得退費。 購買一對一線上課程.請假需三天前辦理.在預定時間15分鐘內未上線.視同已使用,不得退費。 使用期間: 本網站授權您使用本服務之期間、次數或權利依您購買服務項目之規定有效期間為使用之有效期限。 免責聲明 歡迎您光臨 https://monkeyfistdoor.com.tw 網域之網站(以下簡稱本網站),任何瀏覽網站的人士,須自行承擔一切風險,本網站不會負責任何因瀏覽或使用本網站而引致之損失。本網站不會作出任何默示的擔保。 本網站承諾力求網站內容之準確性及完整性,但內容如有錯誤或遺漏,本網站不會承擔任何賠償責任,所有本網站內容,將會隨時更改,而不作另行通知。本網站可隨時停止或變更網頁資料及有關條款而毋須事前通知用戶。 本網站不會對使用或連結本網頁而引致任何損害(包括但不限於電腦病毒、系統固障、資料損失)、誹謗、侵犯版權或知識產權所造成的損失,包括但不限於利潤、商譽、使用、資料損失或其他無形損失,本網站不承擔任何直接、間接、附帶、特別、衍生性或懲罰性賠償。 本課程所有畫面、音樂、特效版權皆屬玉山國際有限公司所有,除法律規定或特別指明外,非經本公司書面授權同意,不得以任何形式轉載、修改、傳輸、再製、散布、顯示、出版或是傳播。 本網站所載之的所有資訊均受著作權之保護,如文字、圖像、影音及程式等之智慧財產權,除事先得到本公司之明示同意外,不得複印、重製、出版、修改、使用、散佈、公佈、或以其他方式使用。 若有任何問題請來信至本網站服務信箱。 Terms of Use These User Terms (hereinafter referred to as “these Terms”) apply to all websites located at and linked to the https://monkeyfistdoor.com.tw domain (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “our” and “this website”). This website is the property of Yushan International Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Yushan”). Agree to the terms Regardless of the physical location of individual users, these terms apply to all members or visitors who link to this website (hereinafter collectively referred to as “users” and “you”). By continuing to use the services we provide, you represent that You are aware of and agree to these Terms. If you do not agree to part or all of these Terms, you should immediately stop using the services of this website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service hotline directly. Users under the age of 12 are not allowed to “create an account” on this website and must have their legal representative create an account. If a user is over 12 years old but under the legal age of majority, before applying to register as a member, he or she must obtain the consent of his or her legal representative before registering and using the membership services provided by this website. If you have registered as a member, it means that your legal representative has read, understood and agreed to these terms. Updates to these terms This website has the right to modify and adjust any terms in these Terms at any time within the scope permitted by law. Once the content of these Terms is modified or adjusted, we will issue a notice in the form of an announcement. Any modifications or adjustments will be effective upon posting. If the user continues to use the services provided by this website after the changes are announced, it means that the user agrees to abide by the changes to these terms. Therefore, users are requested to check these Terms regularly to ensure that they are aware of all changes to these Terms. If the user does not agree with our changes to these terms, please leave the website and stop using the service immediately. At the same time, members should delete their personal files and cancel their membership. This website also reserves the right to delete members’ personal files and cancel memberships when the following violations occur. Member account and password security Users should not use any information that has nothing to do with their true personal information to create their account names, including but not limited to using other people’s names or using offensive words, any racial slurs, and any words that will hurt or infringe on the rights of others. Name, if any previous incident occurs, we have the right to terminate the service of the account. Before you only create an account but have not purchased courses, you should pay attention to the following matters: Members should keep their account numbers and passwords properly and should not transfer or lend their account numbers and passwords to others. Courses can only be viewed by “single-purchasing members” and are not allowed to share accounts, course videos, or public screenings with others. In order to protect the rights of teachers and students, if a member violates the above regulations, or logs in and plays videos on “more than two devices at the same time”, and the persuasion fails, the violator will have his account suspended, and his behavior may be punished For the damage and infringement caused, we will file legal lawsuits and demand compensation, and pursue relevant civil and criminal responsibilities to protect the rights and interests of teachers and other members. If a member finds that his or her account has been illegally used by others, he or she should notify us immediately. We do not assume any responsibility if the account or password is illegally used by others due to hacking or negligence of members. You are obliged to properly keep your account, password and other relevant identity verification information, and are responsible for all activities and behaviors performed after logging into the system with this account, including but not limited to related expenses incurred. You agree to comply with all applicable laws when using the Site and to use the Service only for lawful purposes. Any use of this service or access to the system without our consent or instructions is strictly prohibited, and we have the right to stop providing services to that user. Privacy policy Personal information provided by users and certain other information related to users stored by this website will be governed by the laws of the Republic of China in Taiwan. Terms and Conditions of Use Users are not allowed to download, reproduce, publicly transmit, resell, publicly play, share or use the courses on this website. Users who violate the above provisions will bear all legal liabilities arising from the infringement. Invoice issuance We will issue and send an invoice to students after they purchase the course. However, if students purchase courses outside Taiwan, the tax laws of the Republic of China are exempt from invoicing. Intellectual property rights We own all rights, ownership and all resulting interests in all content published on this website (website content), including all copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks and other intellectual property rights. All rights not expressly authorized will only be exercised by Yushan. The design or layout of this website is protected by copyright, design, trademark, equity laws and other laws, and may not be reproduced or imitated in part or in whole. Trademarks, designs, sounds or images may not be reproduced or redistributed without our express authorization. Terminate service Users agree that we have the right to terminate or suspend a member’s use of the services provided by this website at any time for various reasons based on its judgment or for any reason, including but not limited to the member’s excessive use of services, violation of these terms, etc. After we terminate the service, with or without notice, we may delete the member’s account and content, and prevent the user from linking to or using the services of this website in the future. Compensation The user warrants that Yushan and its management, directors, employees, agents and contractors will be liable for a) the content posted or submitted by the user, b) the use of this website, c) the user’s violation of these terms and d) the user’s infringement. The user agrees to compensate any loss, liability, damages or expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees) arising from any rights of a third party. Prohibited commercial practices Users agree that when using this website, they will not: a) modify, reproduce, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code or content of any function or program; b) The course content on the shelves contains any commercial or placement marketing content. We have the right to determine at our own discretion and unconditionally delist or remove any content that violates the regulations. Guarantees and Guarantees We do not guarantee the following: a) this service will meet the specific requirements of users; b) any products, services, information or other courses purchased or obtained from this website will meet users’ expectations. General terms These Terms and the relationship between users and this website are governed by the laws of the Republic of China. Any disputes between users and this website regarding this service, these terms or other related matters shall be settled by the Kaohsiung Branch of the Taiwan High Court as the court of first instance. If part of the provisions of these Terms is invalid due to conflict with the laws of the Republic of China, Taiwan, the other provisions of these Terms shall still have full force and effect. The headings in these Terms are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. Report If you find any violation of these terms, please notify us by email: MFD@monkeyfistdoor.com.tw. Contact us If you have any questions about these Terms of Service or our information handling practices, please contact us by email: MFD@monkeyfistdoor.com.tw Course purchase, after-course purchase services, deadlines, etc. The announcement date of these Terms of Service is March 1, 2023, and the effective date is March 15, 2022 In order to protect the interests of both students and teachers, we formulate and implement relevant course refund, deadline and other policies. If you need a refund, please read the following information carefully and complete the refund procedure in accordance with the regulations. The customer service team will complete the refund as soon as possible within 30 working days. “Pre-order courses” “Online courses”. “One-to-one online courses”. “Seminar courses” Those who purchase courses: Those who purchase “pre-order courses” or “seminar courses” and apply for a refund within 7 days will be required to deduct 18% of the transaction fee, and the remaining 82% of the course fee will be refunded. No refund will be given after 7 days. If you purchase an online course, opening the course will be deemed to have been watched and no refunds will be allowed. Purchase one-on-one online courses. Leave must be applied for three days in advance. If the course is not online within 15 minutes of the scheduled time, it will be deemed to have been used and no refund will be allowed. Period of use: The period, number of times or rights that this website authorizes you to use this service shall be the validity period specified in the service item you purchased. Disclaimer Welcome to the website of https://monkeyfistdoor.com.tw domain (hereinafter referred to as this website). Anyone who browses the website must bear all risks at his own risk. This website will not be responsible for any consequences caused by browsing or using this website. loss. This website does not make any implied warranties. This website promises to strive for the accuracy and completeness of website content. However, if there are any errors or omissions in the content, this website will not assume any liability for compensation. All content on this website will be changed at any time without prior notice. This website may stop or change the web page information and related terms at any time without notifying users in advance. This website will not be responsible for any damages (including but not limited to computer viruses, system failures, data loss), defamation, copyright infringement or intellectual property rights, including but not limited to profits and goodwill, caused by the use of or linking to this web page. , loss of use, data or other intangible losses, this website does not assume any direct, indirect, incidental, special, derivative or punitive damages. The copyright of all pictures, music, and special effects in this course belongs to Yushan International Co., Ltd. Unless otherwise specified by law or otherwise specified, it may not be reproduced, modified, transmitted, reproduced, distributed, displayed, or reproduced in any form without the written authorization of our company. publish or disseminate. All information contained on this website is protected by copyright, such as intellectual property rights such as text, images, audio and video, and programs. It may not be copied, reproduced, published, modified, used, or distributed except with the express consent of the Company in advance. , publish, or otherwise use. If you have any questions, please write to the service mailbox of this website